North Star Federation and Mercian Trust stakeholder consultation

North Star Federation and The Mercian Trust are consulting on the proposal for the schools of the North Star Federation (Rushall Primary School and Oakwood School, Walsall) to convert to academy status and join The Mercian Trust, a multi academy trust currently comprising of nine schools in Walsall and Sandwell.
The consultation runs from Tuesday 7 May to Friday 14 June 2024. Following the consultation, the governing body of North Star Federation and the trust board of The Mercian Trust will meet separately to consider the findings of the consultation as part of their decision-making process, prior to officially submitting any proposal to the Regional Director at the Department for Education.
This webpage is operated by SmithGadzik, a third-party organisation, to ensure that the consultation questionnaire is processed impartially. Any data submitted will be treated in confidence and only used to contact you should you have asked a specific question for which a direct answer is requested.
Please take a minute to read the following information about the proposal:
A set of slides, setting out the reasons why the proposal is being made, and detailing the benefits that both organisations believe the proposal will yield
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document containing questions and answers about the consultation process. This is a live document, and will be updated as new questions are asked, or clarifications are useful.
An online feedback form to complete to have your opinions heard.
Details of consultation dates, both face-to-face and online, which we invite all stakeholders to attend.